Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Father of Gothicism - 1077 Words

â€Å"I grew, day by day, more moody, more irritable, more regardless of the feelings of others. I suffered myself to use intemperate language to my wife. At length, I even offered her personal violence.† This line comes from the story The Black Cat written by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe has been proclaimed the â€Å"Father of Gothicism† by many due to his grotesque short stories and poems. Gothic writers had their characters be more â€Å"prone to sin and self-destruction† than any other movement had experienced (Poets 2). This mysterious style of writing lasted until the 19th century, and other popular gothic writers and characters include Bram Stokers Dracula, and Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. Poe along with all gothic writers used disturbing, morbid words as well as supernatural story outlines to catch the reader’s attention, as he was one of the first to introduce the harming of females to the literature world. Gothicism style of writing always keeps t he reader shocked throughout the entire story trying to guess what’s next. Edgar Poe was born in Boston to Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe Jr. on January 18, 1809 and experienced an extremely dark childhood. Poe unfortunately never got to build a relationship with his father because he abandoned the family by 1811. Poe’s life changed dramatically after his mother’s death on December 8, 1811 and his father’s passing a few short days after by tuberculosis, which caused his family filled with two siblings to be split up into different homes.Show MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s Father Of American Gothicism1178 Words   |  5 PagesAlba Abreu Prof. Mrs. Beth Ritter-Guth EN-250 June 24, 2017 Poe s father of American Gothicism Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. His parents were actors. After he was born, his father abandoned him and his mother died before he was three. This left Edgar Allan Poe a foster child. 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