Thursday, May 21, 2020

Physic 100 - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3942 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/22 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Name: __________________________ Date: _____________ |1. |British civil service workers in executive positions live longer than those in clerical positions. This best illustrates the | | |value of: | |A) |emotion-focused coping. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Physic 100" essay for you Create order | |B) |the general adaptation syndrome. | |C) |spontaneous remission. | |D) |perceived control. | |2. Compared with nonsmokers, smokers experience: | |A) |higher rates of depression and higher rates of divorce. | |B) |lower rates of depression and lower rates of divorce. | |C) |lower rates of depression and higher rates of divorce. | |D) |higher rates of depression and lower rates of divorce. | |3. |People who are constantly dieting place themselves at ________ risk for depression and ________ risk for binge eating. |A) |increased; decreased | |B) |decreased; decreased | |C) |increased; increased | |D) |decreased; increased | |4. |If we are nervous about our personal appearance after adopting a new hairstyle, we are likely to ________ the extent to which | | |others notice our nervousness and we are likely to ________ the extent to which they notice our new hairstyle. |A) |underestimate; underestimate | |B) |overestimate; underestimate | |C) |underestimate; overestimate | |D) |ove restimate; overestimate | |5. Imitating another persons facial expression of emotion is most likely to facilitate: | |A) |parasympathetic nervous system activity. | |B) |the feel-good, do-good phenomenon. | |C) |an empathic response. | |D) |the catharsis of aggressive feelings. | |6. |Aerobic exercise is associated with: | |A) |increased levels of serotonin and increased levels of the endorphins. |B) |increased levels of serotonin and decreased levels of the endorphins. | |C) |decreased levels of serotonin and decreased levels of the endorphins. | |D) |decreased levels of serotonin and increased levels of the endorphins. | |7. |The defense mechanism in which selfjustifying explanations replace the real, unconscious reasons for actions is: | |A) |displacement. | |B) |rationalization. | |C) |projection. | |D) |reaction formation. | |8. |By dramatically reducing her daily caloric intake, Marilyn plans o reduce her normal body weight by 10 to 15 percent. Research | | |suggests that af ter three or four weeks of sustained dieting, Marilyn will: | |A) |experience a decrease in her feelings of hunger. | |B) |have a lower set point for body weight. | |C) |have a lower fat cell count. | |D) |have a lower resting metabolic rate. | |9. |Ader and Cohen observed that suppressed immune system functioning in rats was a(n) ________ to saccharin-sweetened water. |A) |conditioned response (CR) | |B) |unconditioned response (UR) | |C) |conditioned stimulus (CS) | |D) |unconditioned stimulus (US) | |10. |Luigi minimized the stress of testing positive for HIV by viewing this circumstance as an opportunity for a renewed religious | | |commitment and spiritual growth. His reaction best illustrates the importance of: | |A) |stress appraisal. | |B) |Biofeedback | |C) |spontaneous remission. | |D) |the Type A personality. | |11. |Stress is most likely to speed the progression from HIV to AIDS by: | |A) |slowing the shortening of telomeres. | |B) |increasing the release of glucocorticoids. | |C) |accelerating the enlargement of the thymus gland. | |D) |increasing the production of lymphocytes. | |12. Teens are more likely to experiment with tobacco if they: | |A) |are not concerned about how others perceive them. | |B) |see actors smoking in movies. | |C) |feel in control of their future. | |D) |engage in problem-focused coping. | |13. |Young teens are most likely to start smoking in order to: | |A) |reduce their mental alertness. | |B) |reduce their blood pressure. | |C) |trigger the release of lymphocytes. | |D) |gain social acceptance. | |14. When 2-year-old Matthew was told he would get no dessert until he finished the food on his plate, he threw his plate on the | | |floor in a temper tantrum. Freud would have suggested that Matthew was unable to resist the demands of his: | |A) |ego. | |B) |Oedipus complex. | |C) |superego. | |D) |id. | |15. |Personality is fruitfully studied at multiple levels of analysis because people are best understood as: | |A) |demonstrating self-serving bias. | |B) |unconscious information processors. | |C) |possessing enduring traits. | |D) |biopsychosocial organisms. |16. |Logan is an unsuccessful businessman who feels little satisfaction with life. In order to increase his subjective well-being, | | |Logan should: | |A) |recall past moments when his life was much more pleasant than it is now. | |B) |imagine what his own life might be like if he became rich and famous. | |C) |imagine what his life might be like if he were suffering from a fatal disease. | |D) |compare himself with friends who became rich and successful. | |17. A psychologist would most likely use biofeedback to provide clients with information about their: | |A) |blood type. | |B) |genetic makeup. | |C) |cholesterol level. | |D) |muscle tension. | |18. |One study of migraine headache patients found that the majority of those who received â€Å"sham acupuncture† enjoyed relief. The | | |patients pain relief is most likely attributable to: | |A) |the placebo effect. | |B) |a decrease in lymphocyte production. | |C) |an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. |D) |problem-focused coping. | |19. |Humanistic psychologists would most likely be criticized for underestimating the value of: | |A) |the spotlight effect. | |B) |an internal locus of control. | |C) |self-serving bias. | |D) |social influence. | |20. |A psychotherapist suggests that Theresa can effectively reduce the anger she feels toward her ex-boyfriend by tearing pictures | | |of him into little pieces. This therapeutic technique is based on the: | |A) |James-Lange theory. |B) |catharsis hypothesis. | |C) |two-factor theory. | |D) |adap tation-level principle. | |21. |The two-factor theory of emotion places more emphasis on the importance of ________ than does the James-Lange theory. | |A) |physiological arousal | |B) |Catharsis | |C) |subjective well-being | |D) |cognitive activity | 22. |Forgotten memories that we can easily recall were said by Freud to be: | |A) |preconscious. | |B) |unconscious. | |C) |displaced. | |D) |fixated. | |23. |When faced with an ever-increasing number of consumer product choices, people often experience the discomfort of: | |A) |the spotlight effect. | |B) |self-serving bias. | |C) |the false consensus effect. | |D) |information overload. | |24. Which of the following have been criticized the most for offering concepts that are vague and subjective? | |A) |terror-management theorists | |B) |social-cognitive theorists | |C) |trait theorists | |D) |humanistic theorists | 25. |For purposes of lie detection, investigators have most commonly made use of a(n): | |A) |electroencephalogr aph. | |B) |polygraph. | |C) |electrocardiograph. | |D) |myograph. | |26. |Karen Horney, a prominent neo-Freudian, disputed Freuds assumption that women: | |A) |suffer an Electra complex. | |B) |have stronger sexual instincts than men. | |C) |never experience a phallic stage of development. | |D) |have weak superegos. | |27. Maslow most clearly interjected his own personal values into his study of self-actualized individuals by: | |A) |interpreting their flattering self-descriptions as a self-serving bias. | |B) |using projective tests to assess their motives. | |C) |selectively studying people with qualities he admired. | |D) |overemphasizing the value of their loyalty to cultural norms. | |28. |A person who experiences defensive self-esteem is ________ to demonstrate self-serving bias and is ________ to feel angry when | | |criticized. |A) |likely; likely | |B) |unlikely; unlikely | |C) |unlikely; likely | |D) |likely; unlikely | |29. The results of early research on biofeedbac k were surprising because they indicated that people could learn to control bodily | | |functions regulated by the: | |A) |cerebellum. | |B) |frontal lobes. | |C) |autonomic nervous system. | |D) |lymph glands. | |30. |The text defines stress as: | |A) |physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion. |B) |the experience of conflicting motives that produce anxiety and tension. | |C) |the process by which we appraise and cope with environmental threats and challenges. | |D) |the blocking of an attempt to reach some important goal. | |31. |Employees who have just been laid off are asked questions that encourage them to express hostility toward their employer. | | |Research suggests that this opportunity to vent anger will: | |A) |lead them to perceive their employers actions as unavoidable. |B) |rechannel their anger into constructive motivation. | |C) |increase their hostility. | |D) |calm their emotions and reduce their anger. | |32. |A therapist tells a patient who is afraid of elevato rs that his rapid breathing while on an elevator is not due to fear but is a| | |natural consequence of too little oxygen in a small, enclosed space. With this new interpretation of his arousal, the patient no| | |longer dreads elevators. The reduction in the patients fear is best understood in terms of the: | |A) |two-factor theory. |B) |catharsis hypothesis. | |C) |adaptation-level phenomenon. | |D) |James-Lange theory. | |33. |Research participants came to anticipate the movements of the numeral 6 on a computer screen even though they were unable to | | |identify the rule governing its movements. This best illustrates: | |A) |repression. | |B) |the self-reference phenomenon. | |C) |nonconscious learning. | |D) |the spot light effect. | |34. As people experience negative emotions: | |A) |the left prefrontal cortex becomes less electrically active. | |B) |the right prefrontal cortex becomes more electrically active. | |C) |the right prefrontal cortex becomes less electrically act ive. | |D) |the left prefrontal cortex becomes more electrically active. | |35. |Attempting to alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor is known as: | |A) |problem-focused coping. |B) |emotion-focused coping. | |C) |the general adaptation syndrome. | |D) |biofeedback. | |36. |Which of the following Big Five trait dimensions is most closely related to ones level of creativity? | |A) |Conscientiousness | |B) |emotional stability | |C) |Extraversion | |D) |Openness | |37. Research suggests that monkeys reared in the wild fear snakes because they: | |A) |have a particularly strong nervous system reaction to snake bites. | |B) |have encountered snakes near dead monkeys. | |C) |have observed other monkeys fearful reactions to snakes. | |D) |are biologically predisposed to fear nearly all primitive forms of life. | |38. |People tend to ________ their daily caloric intake and ________ their daily physical activity. |A) |overestimate; overestimate | |B) |overestimate; underesti mate | |C) |underestimate; underestimate | |D) |underestimate; overestimate | |39. |People who become blind eventually experience ________ levels of day-to-day happiness. Those who become paralyzed eventually | | |experience ________ levels of day-to-day happiness. |A) |below-normal; above-normal | |B) |above-normal; above-normal | |C) |near-normal; near-normal | |D) |above-normal; below-normal | |40. |One night after he heard his parents arguing, 4-year-old Wei had a vivid dream in which he saved his mother from being bitten by| | |a large snake. A psychoanalyst would most likely suspect that Weis dream reflects a(n): | |A) |Oedipus complex. | |B) |selfserving bias. | |C) |oral fixation. | |D) |reaction formation. | |41. |Mary enjoys socializing with friends and talking with them on her cell phone. Eileen prefers quiet times by herself when she can| | |reflect on her own thoughts. The characteristics of Mary and Eileen indicate that each has a distinctive: | |A) |personality. | |B) |collective unconscious. | |C) |fixation. | |D) |attributional style. | 42. |Confiding ones fears and frustrations to supportive friends is likely to ________ lymphocyte levels and ________ cortisol | | |levels. | |A) |increase; decrease | |B) |increase; increase | |C) |decrease; increase | |D) |decrease; decrease | |43. B lymphocytes inhibit ________, whereas T lymphocytes inhibit ________. | |A) |the release of epinephrine; the release of cortisol | |B) |viruses; cancer cells | |C) |bacterial infections; viral infections | |D) |telomeres; glucoc orticoids | |44. |Professor Lindstrom emphasized that obesity often involves the interactive influence of high set points, low perceived control, | | |and the ready availability of calorie-laden junk food. The professors emphasis best illustrates: | |A) |a biopsychosocial approach. | |B) |an optimistic explanatory style. | |C) |biofeedback. | |D) |the general adaptation syndrome. | |45. |Research on stressful life events indicates that: | |A) |survivors of a natural disaster are immunized against stress and have fewer long-term health problems. | |B) |those who live a relatively peaceful, monastic life actually suffer a higher-than-average rate of heart attacks. |C) |those who have been recently widowed or divorced are more vulnerable to disease and death. | |D) |all of the above are true. | |46. |One way for people to improve their own subjective well-being is to: | |A) |participate in regular aerobic exercise. | |B) |overestimate how much they can accomplish. | |C) |focus more attention on themselves. | |D) |do all of the above. | |47. |People who are challenged by physical disabilities are likely to maintain normal levels of self-esteem by: | |A) accepting as much personal responsib ility for their problems as for their accomplishments. | |B) |displacing their feelings of resentment. | |C) |developing an external locus of control. | |D) |comparing themselves with others who are similarly disabled. | |48. |Research on selfperception indicates that most people: | |A) |view themselves very favorably in comparison to most others. | |B) |underestimate the accuracy of their beliefs and judgments. |C) |are unrealistically pessimistic about their personal future. | |D) |feel more personally responsible for their failures than for their successes. | |49. |Programs that successfully discourage young people from smoking are likely to train them how to: | |A) |refuse others persuasive appeals to smoke. | |B) |use nicotine gum to satisfy drug cravings. | |C) |increase their consumption of high-carbohydrate foods. | |D) |reduce stress by means of biofeedback. | |50. As you are waiting to be interviewed for a job, your heart rate, body temperature, and breathing rate begin to increase. These | | |physiological changes are produced by activation of the ________ nervous system. | |A) |Somatic | |B) |Central | |C) |Sympathetic | |D) |Parasympathetic | 51. |Surveys of subjective well-being in 82 countries indicate that the two countries with the highest levels of self-reported | | |happiness are: | |A) |Canada and the Netherlands. | |B) |Ireland and Switzerland. | |C) |The United States and Australia. | |D) |Puerto Rico and Mexico. | |52. |According to the two-factor theory, the two basic components of emotions are ________ and ________. |A) |cognitive labels; physical arousal | |B) |physical arousal; overt behavior | |C) |facial expressions; cognitive labels | |D) |emotion-arousing events; physical arousal | |53. |Activation of the sympathetic nervous system ________ respiration and ________ salivation. |A) |increases; decreases | |B) |decreases; decreases | |C) |decreases; increases | |D) |increases; increases | |54. |Larry studies diligently beca use he is haunted by an image of himself being unable to get a job after graduation. Larrys | | |diligence best illustrates the motivational impact of: | |A) |possible selves. | |B) |an internal locus of control. | |C) |the spotlight effect. | |D) |unconditioned positive regard. | |55. |Athletes often attribute their losses to bad officiating. This best illustrates: | |A) |the spotlight effect. | |B) |self-serving bias. | |C) |the Barnum effect. | |D) |learned helplessness. |56. |Jed wants his roommate Dante to help him study for a physics test. Dante is most likely to want to help after he has: | |A) |heard that a friend was involved in an automobile accident. | |B) |been caught cheating on a math test. | |C) |received an â€Å"A† on his psychology test. | |D) |helped some friends repair a flat tire on their car. | |57. |In North America since the 1960s, the death rate due to coronary heart disease has ________, and the death rate due to | | |smoking-related cancer has _______. |A) |decreased; decreased | |B) |increased; decreased | |C) |decreased; increased | |D) |increased; increased | |58. |Who suggested that â€Å"we feel sorry because we cry . . afraid because we tremble†? | |A) |Walter Cannon | |B) |Stanley Schachter | |C) |Richard Lazarus | |D) |William James | |59. |Chiana and her husband both want to feel and express greater warmth and affection for each other. They would be advised to spend| | |time looking intently at one anothers: | |A) |lips. | |B) |hand gestures. | |C) |body postures. | |D) |eyes. | |60. |A hormone that increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels in times of emergency is: | |A) |epinephrine. | |B) |testosterone. | |C) |insulin. | |D) |acetylcholine. | |61. |Which of the following best explains why stress heightens vulnerability to bacterial and viral infections? |A) |Stress hormones facilitate the depositing of cholesterol and fat around the heart. | |B) |Stress hormones suppress the production of lymphocytes. | |C) |Stress hormones trigger the release of digestive acids. | |D) |Stress hormones accelerate the â€Å"hardening† of the arteries. | |62. |A person who is careless and disorganized most clearly ranks low on the Big Five trait dimension of: | |A) |extraversion. | |B) |openness. | |C) |conscientiousness. | |D) |emotional stability. | |63. Research has shown that neck-level spinal cord i njuries reduce the intensity of certain emotional experiences. This finding | | |supports the: | |A) |James-Lange theory. | |B) |catharsis hypothesis. | |C) |adaptation-level principle. | |D) |Cannon-Bard theory. | |64. |While Professor Gomez was going through a painful divorce, he tended to create unnecessarily difficult tests and gave his | | |students unusually low grades. A psychoanalyst would be most likely to view the professors treatment of students as an example | | |of: | |A) |regression. | |B) |projection. | |C) |reaction formation. | |D) |displacement. | |65. |According to Bandura, reciprocal determinism involves multidirectional influences among: | |A) |id, ego, and superego. | |B) |thoughts, emotions, and actions. | |C) |learned helplessness, locus of control, and optimism. |D) |behaviors, internal personal factors, and environmental events. | |66. |The stability of personality traits is best illustrated by the consistency of: | |A) |the self-reference phenomenon. | |B) |expressive styles. | |C) |unconditional positive regard. | |D) |the Barnum effect. | |67. |Overestimating the extent to which others notice and evaluate our appearance and performance is called: | |A) |the spotlight effect. |B) |external locus of control. | |C) |fixation. | |D) |self-serving bias. | |68. |Self-actualized people, as described by Maslow, are least likely to be highly: | |A) |self-accepting. | |B) |conforming. | |C) |compassionate. | |D) |religious. | |69. |As her professor distributed the mathematics test to the class, Blairs heart started to pound and her palms began to sweat. | | |These physiological reactions were activated by her ________ nervous ystem. | |A) |Central | |B) |Somatic | |C) |Parasympathetic | |D) |Sympathetic | |70. |According to the ________, you would be able to experience emotion even without sympathetic nervous system arousals. |A) |James-Lange theory | |B) |catharsis hypothesis | |C) |Cannon-Bard theory | |D) |two-factor theory | |71. |Research on obesity and weight control indicates that: | |A) |lean tissue is maintained by fewer calories than is fat tissue. |B) |overweight people typically suffer from a lack of willpower and self-discipline. | |C) |no matter how carefully people diet, they can never lose fat cells. | |D) |when an obese person has lost weight, a diet and exercise program are no longer necessary for maintaining the lower | | |weight. | |72. |Wild animals placed in zoos sometimes die shortly thereafter. These deaths are likely to result from a(n) ________ in the | | |animals production of ________. |A) |increase; androgens | |B) |decrease; cortisol | |C) |increase; serotonin | |i |decrease; lymphocytes | |73. |Which of the following is an example of biofeedback? | |A) |Jane decides to quit smoking after seeing a film linking cigarettes with cancer. | |B) |Kecia successfully quits smoking after her psychologist has her smoke so rapidly she cannot tolerate another cigarette. |C) |Milos learns to relax by being provided with information on changes in his heart rate. | |D) |Chico learns to lower his blood pressure by meditating twice a day. | |74. |The health risks associated with obesity are generally the greatest for those who carry their excess weight around their: | |A) |hips. | |B) |bellies. | |C) |thighs. | |D) |buttocks. | |75. |A general sense of happiness or life sat isfaction is most unrelated to whether people: | |A) |have a meaningful religious faith. |B) |have a happy marriage. | |C) |sleep well. | |D) |are well educated. | |76. |The two-factor theory of emotion would have difficulty explaining why a: | |A) |person automatically fears snakes even though he thinks they are attractive and harmless. | |B) |person comes to fear snakes after he sees someone else bitten by one. | |C) |persons fear of snakes is reduced after she learns that most snakes are harmless. | |D) |persons fear of snakes is reduced after she receives a calming tranquilizer. | |77. Kelly loves to boast about her accomplishments and becomes very upset when anyone criticizes her. Kelly most clearly | | |demonstrates: | |A) |the false consensus effect. | |B) |defensive self-esteem. | |C) |learned helplessness. | |D) |the spotlight effect. | |78. |Rannilt was euphoric after learning that she had been accepted by the medical school of her choice. After a few weeks, however, | | |she is only mildly excited when she thinks about her admission to medical school. This change in her feelings can best be | | |explained in terms of the: | |A) |adaptation-level phenomenon. | |B) |feel-good, do-good phenomenon. | |C) |catharsis hypothesis. | |D) |relative deprivation principle. | |79. |In rejecting claims that personality trait measures fail to predict behavior effectively, Seymour Epstein emphasized the | | |importance of: | |A) |factor analysis. |B) |projective tests. | |C) |reciprocal determinism. | |D) |multiple behavior assessments. | |80. |A psychophysiological illness is: | |A) |any psychological disorder that has a genetic component. | |B) |a disease of the central nervous system. | |C) |any physical illness that produces a psychological disorder. | |D) |a stress-related physical illness such as hypertension. | |81. The macrophage and lymphocytes are major agents of the: | |A) |limbic system. | |B) |parasympathetic nervous system. | |C) |immune system. | |D) |sympathetic nervous system. | |82. |Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol : | |A) |accelerate the buildup of plaques on artery walls. | |B) |decrease heart rate and blood pressure. | |C) |divert blood flow from muscle tissue to the bodys internal organs. |D) |are released by the thymus and lymph glands. | |83. |Because Greta is an extravert, she frequently goes to parties where she is encouraged to laugh and socialize with her friends. | | |Because Jim is an introvert, he frequently spends weekends in the library where its easy to quietly reflect and study. Greta | | |and Jim best illustrate what is meant by: | |A) |the Barnum effect. | |B) |the self-reference phenomenon. | |C) |an external locus of control. |D) |reciprocal determinism. | |84. |The feel-good, do-good phenomenon refers to the fact that when people feel happy they: | |A) |experience a more positive self-image. | |B) |report greater satisfaction with their whole lives. | |C) |make decisions more effectively. | |D) |are more willing to help others. | |85. |The subfield of psychology that pro vides psychologys contribution to the prevention and treatment of illness is known as: | |A) |behavioral psychology. | |B) |psychobiology. |C) |health psychology. | |D) |medical psychology. | |86. |Research on the nonverbal expression of emotion indicates that: | |A) |it is difficult to use nonverbal cues to mislead others about ones true emotions. | |B) |accurately identifying emotional facial expressions in people from different cultures requires personal experience with | | |those cultures. | |C) |the body movements and gestures used to express emotions are the same throughout the world. |D) |introverts are better than extraverts at recognizing nonverbal expressions of emotion in others. | |87. |Resisting the temptation to eat chocolate chip cookies led research participants to subsequently give up sooner than normal on | | |efforts to complete a tedious task. This illustrated that self-control weakens following: | |A) |unconditional positive regard. | |B) |the spotlight effect. | |C) |an exertion of energy. | |D) |the self-reference phenomenon. | |88. Scientists have isolated a gene that influences the amygdalas response to frightening situations. People with a short version | | |of this gene have high levels of ________ available to activate amygdala neurons. | |A) |Endorphins | |B) |Acetylcholine | |C) |Serotonin | |D) |Dopamine | |89. Researchers attempt to understand emotions using biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis. The | | |psychological level of analysis is especially likely to emphasize the importance of: | |A) |evolutionary adaptiveness. | |B) |facial expressiveness. | |C) |arousal. | |D) |cognitive labeling. | |90. |The adaptationlevel phenomenon refers to the: | |A) |tendency for emotional release to reduce levels of physiological arousal. |B) |tendency for evolution to favor organisms that adapt best to the environment. | |C) |tendency for standards of judgment to be heavily influenced by previous experiences. | |D) |perception that one is worse off than those with whom one compares oneself. | |91. |People tend to describe their experienced emotions along the two dimensions of: | |A) |expressiveness and meaningfulness. | |B) |valence and arousal. | |C) |physical and social. | |D) |clarity and stability. | |92. The spillover effect is best explained in terms of the: | |A) |two-factor theory. | |B) |relative deprivation principle. | |C) |catharsis hypothesis. | |D) |adaptation-level principle. | |93. |Haleys parents bought her a used bicycle for her birthday. She was thrilled until she learned that her best friend received a | | |brand new bicycle on her birthday. Haleys declining satisfaction illustrates the: | |A) |facial feedback effect. |B) |catharsis hypothesis. | |C) |relative deprivation principle. | |D) |adaptation-level phenomenon. | |94. |Aging women who had experienced prolonged stress as caregivers for children with serious disorders experienced a premature | | |decrease in th e size of their: | |A) |lymphocytes. | |B) |adrenal glands. | |C) |frontal lobes. | |D) |telomeres. | |95. Freud suggested that orally fixated adults are especially likely to exhibit: | |A) |an inferiority complex. | |B) |an Electra complex. | |C) |the self-reference phenomenon. | |D) |passive dependence. | |96. |In the United States, Canada, and Britain, smoking has become rare among those who: | |A) |experience obesity. | |B) |are highly educated. | |C) |are recent immigrants. | |D) |have parents who smoke. | |97. Contemporary psychologists are most likely to consider ________ to be of pivotal importance to personality. | |A) |the collective unconscious | |B) |the sense of self | |C) |the superego | |D) |unconditional positive regard | |98. |Mrs. Sunstedt believes that parents should accept and try to understand their childrens feelings and should honestly disclose | | |their own inner feelings to their children. Her approach to parentchild interaction was most explicitly recommended by: | |A) |Jung. | |B) |Rogers. | |C) |Bandura. | |D) |Allport. | |99. |According to the Cannon-Bard theory, body arousal is related to the sympathetic nervous system in the same way that subjective | | |awareness of emotion is related to the: | |A) |parasympathetic nervous system. |B) |thalamus. | |C) |cortex. | |D) |hypothalamus. | |100. |Researchers have found that people experience cartoons as more amusing while holding a pen with their teeth than while holding | | |it with their lips. This finding best serves to support the: | |A) |James-Lange theory. | |B) |Cannon-Bard theory. | |C) |catharsis hypothesis. | |D) |adaptation-level principle. |

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