Thursday, October 31, 2019

The use of isotopes in agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The use of isotopes in agriculture - Essay Example The variations of protons content contained in the nuclei determine the type or kind of chemical atom element. Atoms such as carbon atoms contain the same number of protons and neutrons which have 6 protons and 6 neutrons in the nuclei. The elements which contain different number of neutrons in their nuclei are called isotopes (Greenblatt and Carroll, 2009). Hence, isotopes of an element are the different arrangements of neutrons (N) numbers for the same proton. In other words, isotopes can also be referred to as variations of a particular chemical element. An isotope therefore is differentiated from others by the number of neutrons it contains in its structure (NSAC, 2009). In addition, different isotopes contained in an element can have one or the same position on the periodic table (Wahid, 2001). For example, carbon has different isotopes which can have five seven or eight neutrons. Because carbon has six protons, the difference in the number of neutrons produces different isotope s such as carbon-11, carbon-13, and carbon-14. This means that isotopes of carbon have different mass numbers 11, 13 and 14 respectively which is calculated by adding the six protons with the five, seven, and eight neutrons. Greenblatt and Carroll highlight that same element isotopes have similar chemical characteristics, but they may have other differences in many ways such as their stability and radioactivity (11). Stable and Radioactive (Unstable) Isotopes Radioactive or stable are the terms used to refer to isotopes; scientifically, isotopes are said to decay by halflife, which is the difference in time half of the material further breaks down. Radioactive or unstable isotopes are also referred to as radioisotopes or radionuclides, and they are distinct from the stable isotopes (Greenblatt and Carroll, 2009). Greenblatt and Carroll highlight that radioactive isotopes have unstable nuclei which naturally disintegrate in a process which causes them to release energy to form other nuclear particles that are detectable by radioactive equipments (11). The process which the radioactive isotopes change so as to release energy is called radioactive decay. On the other hand, stable isotopes maintain constant structure of their nucleus without changing over time while on earth (NSAC, 2009). Therefore, stable isotopes are not capable of changing into isotopes of other or same elements. Instability of some isotopes makes them exist in varied times such as a second while others can live for many years in the same state. The radioisotope decays by producing an electron called the beta decay or by producing two protons and two neutrons called the alpha decay (Greenblatt and Carroll, 2009). Stable and radioactive isotopes are distinct in their production processes. Stable isotopes are produced by concentration of an isotope of interest from its natural source and mixing it with others. During this process, there is seperation of the different individual isotopes propertie s (Greenblatt and Carroll, 2009). On the other hand, radioisotopes are produced using artificial processes by a process of bombarding a stable isotope in a nuclear reactor with neurons or protons or by charging the particles in the accelerator (Sahoo and Sahoo, 2006). In this process, the accelerator is used to accelerate electrically charged particles to high speeds so that they can be induced to produce high radiation energy (Greenblatt and Carroll, 2009). The difference between the accelerator and a reactor is that the accelerator produces one type of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Chocolate and Brownies Essay Example for Free

Chocolate and Brownies Essay Baking brownies seems easy enough, but have you ever followed every step on the back of the box and weren’t happy with the outcome? I think we all have done that a number of times. If you want to know how to create the most amazing mouth-watering brownies keep reading. You and anyone who will get the pleasure of enjoying the brownies won’t be disappointed with your new and improved recipe. Start off by making a grocery list to purchase the items you do not have. The main ingredients are as follows: 1 small avocado, 1 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup pure maple syrup, 2 tbsp sunflower oil, 1 tbsp ground chia seeds, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tsp dark roasted coffee (or instant), 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips, 1 ? cup whole grain spelt flour, ? cup cocoa powder, ? tsp baking powder, ? tsp baking soda, ? tsp Himalayan sea salt. This may seem like an extensive list, but trust me, your taste buds will be going crazy as soon as the first bite is taken. Not only are these brownies going to be a delicious satisfaction to the chocolate craving many of us wish to fulfill, but the actually are not as bad for you as you may think. The ingredients listed substitute a lot of the ingredients in boxed brownies such as oils and eggs which may leave you feeling guilty after indulging. Ok, so as soon as you have the ingredients needed make sure you are working in a clean area. Before mixing the ingredients together preheat the oven to 350F, line an 8† pan with parchment paper, or cover with non-stick spray and set aside. In a large bowl, gently smash the avocado with a fork to break apart followed by a hand mixer (you don’t want any chunks). The avocado is used as a substitute and for texture, not necessarily for flavoring as you’ll notice in the final product you cannot taste it at all. Next, add in the brown sugar, maple syrup, oil, chia, vanilla extract, and coffee; mix this until smooth. Put the large bowl aside and grab a medium one. Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Slowly add these dry ingredients to the wet mix on low with a mixer, or stir by hand until the dry mix is no longer visible. Stir in the chocolate chips, toss in a few extra if you’d like. Dump the mixture onto the baking pan, the batter will be extremely thick but do not worry, dipping your spatula into cold water will make it easier to spread out the batter. Once your batter is the way you want it to be in the pan, place it in the oven and let it cook for 20-25 minutes and no more. The batter may be giving you mixed signals while cooking, but I know from experience how shocking it is that 25 minutes could cook it thoroughly considering how thick it is first going into the oven. Try not to open the oven too much while it is cooking, only check on it after about 20 minutes. While the brownies are baking is a great time to clean up the bowls and spatula you used. Let them soak in hot soapy water because the batter being so thick takes quite a while scrubbing to be completely clean. Also be careful not to make the water too hot, you don’t want to be dipping your hand into scalding hot water. It’s time! The oven has buzzed and you probably cannot wait to peek at your wonderful brownies. Be sure to get oven mitts to remove the dish from the oven, test the center of the brownies with a fork and as long as it comes out clean they are fully cooked. It should come out clean, but if for some reason it hasn’t put them back in for no longer than 2 minutes. Nothing is worse than an over cooked brownie. Let the brownies cool for 20 minutes before diving in. After the 20 minutes has passed, cut the brownies into the size you desire. I have found a pizza cutter to be the easiest to get through the thick layers of fudge. You’re finished! You have just completed the best brownies you will ever experience in your life. Put a large scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and enjoy! Be sure not to give away your secret to others who will be sure to be envious.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impacts on Quality of Life and Performance

Impacts on Quality of Life and Performance Steps Towards Success Abhay Shrivastava Abstract— Success in general means achieving an aim or attaining one’s goal. To some people success is living a comfortable and respectful life, some believe that success is a journey of hard work through endless efforts to achieve the desired goal, while others think having hefty amount of money is a real success. But for me â€Å"success is living your dreams and fulfilling your desire.† In the process of getting success one either achieves it or fails in his efforts. It is said by a great poet that â€Å"the real taste of success can only be understood by a man who have tasted the defeat†. Sometimes success also depends on the fate but that’s not true in every case. Even if the fate is not favoring us we can lead towards success by putting extra efforts and doing hard work. But fate without efforts leads us nowhere. One needs to put himself/herself into his/her goal whole heartedly. Success is also affected by the priorities of life, someone wants to grow professionally while the other satisfies themselves by holding the responsibility of family i.e. their personal life or some people wants to get the higher rank in society. For all such people success mean differently. Index Terms— Success, Hard work, Efforts, Goal, Aim I. Introduction This paper is about what makes a difference in the quality of life of people, what makes a difference in their performance, so that they get the result they want. Everybody wants to be successful but to be successful one first has to understand what success means. Success in general means achieving an aim or attaining one’s goal. To some people success is living a comfortable and respectful life, some believe that success is a journey of hard work through endless efforts to achieve the desired goal, while others think having hefty amount of money is a real success According to the great motivator Tony Robbins â€Å"success is being able to do whatever you want, with whom ever you want, where ever you want as much as you want†. According to Jack Canfield â€Å"success is fulfilling your soul’s purpose† Every scholar has given a different definition about success but according to me â€Å"success is living your dreams with both open and closed eyes and knowing the art of fulfilment.† In the process of getting success one has to face many hindrances, many setbacks a lot of pain. But if a person faces them with courage, he/she can be successful. But most people don’t do that after trying once or twice they say to themselves that it can’t be done, it is not possible. We all know that Mr. Edison invented the bulb after more than 10,000 attempts. What if he had stopped trying after 10-20 attempts. We would not have bulbs. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Nothing is impossible if you are ready to take the chance. If you don’t know how to do the task what you are trying to do then take the guidance from the person who has already done that. Technical education can be achieved easily but attitude of â€Å"not quitting† has to be developed. A study shows that most of the people quit their task when they are about to succeed, they quit when they are at the doors of success. In ‘ YOU CAN WIN’ Mr Shiv Khera writes that every success story is a story of great failure, he shares the life history of a man who failed in business at the age of 21, was defeated in a legislative race at the age of 22, failed again in business at the age of 24, his sweetheart died when he was of age 26, had a nervous breakdown at age 27, lost a congressional race at age 34, lost a senatorial race at age 45, failed in an effort to become vice-president at the age of 47, lost senatorial race at the age of 49, and was elected as the president of United States at the age of 52. This man was Abraham Lincoln.[1] So it is important to make continuous efforts in making your dream come true. II. SOME HINDRANCES IN SUCCESS Fear of failure/success. Lack of self-confidence. No plan. Procrastinating. Family responsibility. Financial security issue. Insincerity about goal. Stress. Underestimation. Comparison with others. Worthiness. Negative Attitude Doing too much alone. Lack of priority. Lack of training. Lack of resources. Most of the hindrances described above are not real, they are imaginary. They can be resolved by keeping certain points in mind. We all know what is holding us back. Usually most people wait for ideal conditions never get that. And successful people make the condition favourable for them. III. Following steps will help you in reaching on acme of your life You: Everything starts from and with you. If you are ready, you can do anything. If you take the responsibility of your life, state and condition, if you stop blaming and complaining, then you will start believing in yourself, you will begin to discover your strength capability. What happens when we blame others for our mistakes, we neglect our weaknesses rather than focusing and overcoming them. If we complain about something we are being pessimistic, we focus on the lack of resources, we focus on what went wrong rather focusing on what can be done now. So we should stop blaming and complaining and should start accepting and taking the responsibility of our life. Nightingale said that â€Å"all of us are self-made but only the successful will accept it† so start believing in yourself. Goal Setting: Goal setting is the most important factor in getting success. It’s like knowing the destination where you want to reach. Most people are running without any goal, without knowing where they want to go. So set a goal first. It is important to set a goal in order to make an action plan. While setting a goal we should remember one thing, we should not just set a goal, we should set a goal with time limit. Because if we time bound ourselves, our brain starts working faster. It wants to produce the result before the deadline. For example if you want to lose weight rather saying â€Å"I want to lose weight† say â€Å"I want to lose 5 pound before 10 May 2014†. Vague goals lead to vague results. Try to be more specific with time, when we have particular time duration to perform a task our brain functions more efficiently, with more concentrations. We all know the functionality of GPS system when we put the exact destination it shows us the way. What if we just put the name of the lane or city where we want to go, it will take us to the starting of that lane or city not at our destination. So we have to be more specific about our goals. â€Å"What and By When†. Because the things that we schedule are the things that we get done. Dream Big Visualize: Gen. Wesley Clark (Former Head of NATO) said â€Å"It doesn’t take any more effort to dream a big dream than it does to dream a small dream†. You have the ability to do things that you can’t even imagine. Most people don’t realise that majority of people fail not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit and many don’t aim at all. It is important to dream big because if we dream big we visualize big, if we visualize big we put more efforts to make it real. It increases our efficiency, our dedication and concentration increases to turn the dream into reality. Dream big, don’t think how you are going to do it, that’s going to come in due time. You are going to develop a plan of action; you will become the person who will attract the people and resources according to your need. Here is an example of turning a dream into reality. Everyone knows ‘Chicken soup for the soul’ fame Jack Canfield and Mark. One day they decided to sell 1 million copies of their book. They didn’t know how they were going to do that, they just visualized it every day and night, one day after a seminar Jack took a bus to his home, the lady sitting next to him recognize him and asked â€Å"you are chicken soup guy? What you and Mark are next up to?† he replied â€Å"we are trying to sell 1 million copies in one day† she replied â€Å"I can help you in doing that† he asked how? She said â€Å"we are buyer for the WB bookstore all over the world† and rest is history. They sold 1 million copies in one day. Our visualization has power. Our mind can’t rationalize between reality and visualization. An experiment was done on a bunch of people; they were asked to close their eyes and imagine themselves standing on the roof of the world tal lest building without any railing. Some of them started shivering and some stepped back, their brain didn’t rationalize between reality and visualization. If we visualize our dream daily we force it to become reality. A study from Duke University Para Psychology center shows that our thoughts have ultimate power. Whatever we visualize we send this energy upto 250,000 miles. It’s like sending email up to 250,000 miles asking for response, and the important thing is someone always responds sooner or later. Like in the case of Jack and Mark, they just visualized their goal and got the reply few weeks later. Dr Masaru Emoto a Japanese author and entrepreneur described the power of thought in his book â€Å"The hidden message in water†. He said water has the capability to store energy. He did an experiment on water. He took a sample of water and told some people to send negative energy (like useless, dirty, poisonous etc.) to the water and then took another sample and ask some people to send positive energy(like beautiful, calm, necessary, tasty etc.) then froze both the samples at 20 degree below 0. Once it was frozen they put both under the microscope. As the water started melting, it formed crystal and it was seen that different kind of energy formed different kind of crystals. The water which received positive energy made beautiful crystal and the water which received negative energy formed distorted crystal. They did this experiment on LAKE BIWA (The largest freshwater lake in Japan), and on Saint Crolx River that divides the state Wisconsin and Minnesota, on Mississippi river . Why it is important because 85% of our body is made up of water by generating positive energy, by constantly thinking positive we create positive energy inside us and vice versa.[2] Figure 1. Photo of negative energy water and positive energy water. Stay Optimistic: Being optimistic, having a positive attitude contributes a lot in one’s success. Shiv Khera says â€Å"positive thinking does not guaranteed success; positive thinking increases the probability of success† [1]. Having a positive attitude makes a pleasing personality, it energizes you, it increases your enjoyment of life, inspires other people around you, help people in becoming a contributing member of society an asset to their country. For an organization to stay optimistic is very necessary as it helps in reducing stress, increases profit, breeds loyalty, makes for a congenial atmosphere, increases productivity, fosters teamwork, solves problems, improves quality and creates a healthy environment in organization. Whenever we are positive we see good things happening around us, we become productive and if we are negative we see bad things and become destructive. You have to take the garbage out otherwise it will start stinking. As we all know Mr Thomas Edison at the age of 67 lost his factory to fire. After watching all his lifetime effort going up in smoke he said â€Å"all our mistakes are burnt up. Thank god we can start anew†. In spite of this whole tragedy he invented the phonograph. What an attitude, what if we all take this attitude and keep looking for sunny side in every situation. It doesn’t mean to overlook the mistakes. It means to learn from the mistakes and move ahead. Don’t get stuck in your past experiences of failure, focus on the future plan. Whenever you feel negative go to a smiling baby. It is found that whenever a baby smiles it omits positive energy. Their aura is positive. One day a kid was playing a game ‘connect 4’ with his father. Father won 10 round consecutively then he stands up and says â€Å"Son, I am bored. I don’t want to play anymore. I am going to bed†. Son replied â€Å"no, it’s not over until I win.† They played several other rounds. After 11 rounds kid won and then he stood up and said â€Å"I am ready to go to sleep now†. This should be the attitude of every person who is chasing his dreams. After facing any failure everyone should say â€Å"it’s not over until I win†. Environment: Environment plays a major role in one’s success. It is seen that majority of the people who are successful spend most of their hours working with the people of their interest. It has been seen that if you spend most of the time with optimistic people your attitude also becomes optimistic and vice versa. You have to choose your environment according to your need. You have to throw negative people out of your life who are draining your energy, who keep telling that you can’t do it, who weaken you. You have to change your environment from negative to positive by being around people who nourish you, who give you energy, appreciate your efforts, encourage you and inspire you. There is a saying that â€Å"birds of a feather flock together†. If you run around with looser you will end up a looser. If you want to become a singer spend your time with singers better than you, if you want to be a dancer spend your time with dancers better than you, if you earn Rs 10,000 a month and want to earn Rs 20,000 start spending your time with the people who are earning RS 20,000. By constantly spending your time with the people of your kind of interest you learn the skill to get the desired result. Take Action: Will to win is worthless until you have the will to prepare. Just by dreaming big, visualizing and spending your time with the right is not fruitful until you take action in order to achieve your goal. It is said that â€Å"Standing on earth thinking of sky, how would you ever get to fly†. You can’t achieve your aim just by visualizing it the whole day; you also have to make a constant effort in order to improvise yourself to get the mastery on the particular subject. It is like sitting in a car and thinking to reach the destination without starting the car. First you have to put the key in then start driving after some time you will reach the destination. So take the step towards your dream. To get the result that only 5% of the population has, you have to have the guts to do what only 5% of the population is willing to do. Jim Rohn says â€Å"you can’t hire other people to do your pushups for you†. To make yourself fit you can’t hire other people to do exercise on your behalf similarly to become successful you can’t rely on anyone else; you have to take action on your own because nobody cares about your dream more than you do. So take action in order to make your dream come true. IV. Conclusion Every single person can achieve his/her aim, everyone can make their dream come true just by deciding â€Å"WHAT, HOW and WHEN†. What do you want? How you are going to get it? And by when you want it? You can achieve you goal. Getting success is like knowing the combination to a lock, if you know the lock it doesn’t matter who you are boy or girl, black or white the lock has to open. By following the steps discussed above everyone can make their dream come true. . We spend years in school learning about the lives of other successful people, but we devote hardly any time at all to studying ourselves. I believe that all of us are unique, have different potential and different qualities but all want to attain their aim. I once heard that everyone is born unique but most of us die copies. The major factor of failure is, not believing in ourselves and doubting our potential. I believe that we all have the capability to produce gold. The paper guides us in finding and nurturing our goodness to unlock the keys to achievement. It motivates us to do what we must do to get on and go on with our lives. Keeping in mind, Shiv Khera’s view that the best idea will not work until we work upon that idea. . My Paper offers practical tips and strategies for pulling yourself out of discouraging situations. Life does not always present us with an ideal situation in which we pursue our dreams. Paper explains how to dream, how to set goals, and how to equip yourself with succeed. References Shiv khera, â€Å"You can win†(references) Dr Masaru Emoto, â€Å"The hidden message in water†(reference) Les Brown, â€Å"Live your dreams†. (references) Dr. David Schwartz â€Å"The Magic of Thinking Big†. (references)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Physics of Self Bailing Boats and How I Built One :: physics boat boating ship

The Basic Principle behind a Self Bailing Boat Actually the idea is quite simple really, it consists of a floor above the hull with open drain plugs in the rear of the boat and above the water line. By this simple method as water comes in to the boat it will drain right out of the back. If too much weight is in the boat then water will simply come in through the drain holes. This is no worry to me because I can always just put some plugs in the drain holes when carrying a heavy load. I made the decision to build the aluminum skiff 17ft long and strong enough to hold an outboard motor with a mass of 141kg (approx. mass of 90Hp Mercury). My Boat Dimensions I made the decision to build the aluminum skiff 17ft long and strong enough to hold an outboard motor with a mass of 141kg (approx. mass of 90Hp Mercury). Knowing the amount of material I would need; I then went on to estimate the mass of the boat when finished to be 239kg. I also made the decision to build a fuel tank in the front of the boat holding 141kg of gasoline (≈ 38gal). The design of the boat permits the boat bottom to have an estimated area of submersion of 5.55m2 (L= 3.7m W=1.5m). With these measurements in hand I knew I needed a way to determine the height from the bottom of the boat at which I should build my second deck and drain plugs. I got a value from a veteran boat builder but surely there was an equation to help me out. Archimedes’s Principle for Floating Objects: So hears the theory: Archimedes principle says that the magnitude of the buoyant force always equals the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This buoyant force always acts upward through the point that was the center of gravity of the displaced fluid. In the case of floating objects the buoyant force is equal to the force of gravity on the object. Knowing that the change in pressure is equal to the Buoyant force per unit area (ΔP = B/A) we see that B = (ΔP)A and ΔP = Ï gH where Ï  is the density of the fluid g is the acceleration due to gravity and H is the height of the fluid displaced.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Contexts of Behavior Essay

Insights are generally aplenty. These are my assessments so far. Work-life initiatives are strategies implemented by firms to reduce turnover and increase productivity and overall firm performance. Studies were made to examine the influence and effects of work-life initiatives on employees and the organization in general. Workplace diversity which incorporates the concepts of work-life initiatives does indicate that it is inevitable that when a company introduces work-life initiatives, there is a resulting increase in diversity. Substantial evidence point to the effectiveness of workplace diversity hence, many institutions encourage and promote this in their particular milieu (http://www. cmdronline. com/workshops. htm). It is inevitable that juggling work and family life will be one of a person’s demanding experiences. The rationale for having a job is not only to have a livelihood, achieve personal satisfaction in the expression of his abilities and trainings, and receive his remuneration and perks on the side. Preparation for family stability to be able to provide and thus create an atmosphere of care, for bachelors/maidens, is also the foremost and logical reason for having a job. However, the thin thread that separates between the two polarities becomes blurred, and there lies the tension that pulls a person in different directions. The Center for Mediation and Dispute Resolution opens its website with the following quote: â€Å"Our life is one giant balancing act (http://www. cmdronline. com/workshops. htm). † Perhaps, no person will ever disagree with that statement. The goal then is to know how to do the balancing act, to gain competencies in achieving a rewarding, flourishing kind of life that holds work in one hand, while maintaining a well-nurtured and healthy family on the other hand. Every home has its set of beliefs or tradition that they hold in high esteem. This is referred to as family values. Anything that the family believes is important comprises a family values system. Among the values an individual possesses, the most important I believe is that a person must regard most his/her values about family as the most significant. Many people don’t usually pause and contemplate what their values are. They may not know whether these values they already have are still practical or useful in a modern day world. Moreover, they do not think how their values fit in with their kind of milieu that they evolve in. There are families that take time out though to impart to their children what had been passed on to them when they too were yet very young. The values may not be as strong as when were yet children because the person may have adapted to his world and adjusted his values that others may be accommodated. Through the years, a family value system may be a combination of what had been passed on to an individual and the values system of one’s friends or colleagues at work (†Values: What are they? † 2007). Why are family values important? The primary reason is that what we hold as important affects how we use time, money and energy or how we interact with people. If a family believes the importance of education then parents try to save for the schooling of their children which includes books among others. Family values influence how we spend our resources and make decisions. Parents then need to communicate what their own family values are, why these are important and the specifics of what are most essential that the children must also adopt or follow. Children also need to respect others who have dissimilar value system as compared to their own. Most likely values will evolve but when parents lead the children and model these beliefs, their children will be able to learn and pass these on to the next generation (†Values: What are they? † 2007). In addition, insights on work efficiency greatly challenged me to perform well alongside preserving my values at home. I raise or contribute to my family livelihood and time comes when I will manage people, I generally know what I want to see in them. We consider one person more efficient than another if he accomplishes more in the same time, or with the same energy expenditure. Other factors that have an important bearing on efficiency are: (1) the adequacy of training for the job; (2) the characteristics of the machine and other devices; (3) the motivation and related conditions of work; and (4) the degree to which performance is free from fatigue. It is common in business to have employees whose performances are not satisfactory and who are sometimes an actual problem to management. But it will be difficult all the more when as a person – I am not able or find myself in incomplete control of things that are happening around me. Reference: Halonen, JS and JW Santrock, 1996. Psychology: Contexts of Behavior, Dubuque, IA: Brown and Benchmark, p. 810. â€Å"Values: what are they? †2007. Family Works : University of Illinois extension. Accessed November 10. 2007. http://www. urbanext. uiuc. edu/familyworks/values-01. html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modern Saas- Traditional Bahu

She stays with her parents and her brother in Iambi. She Is full of life, always smiling, always winning other people's hearts. She Is bananas, frank, calculi and mischievous. She Is the life of her friends circle and everyone loves her. She is a good looking girl, with long wavy hair and twinkling eyes which always have a tinge of mischief In them. She is pursuing her graduation In sociology and does extremely well In her studies. She participates In extracurricular activities, and especially loves to dance.She participates in various allege dance competitions. She is also extremely kind hearted and likes to help the poor in any way she can. Once Mains completes her studies, she starts working in a MONGO as a fund raiser. Whilst working for the MONGO, Mains visits big industrialists to raise money for various causes. One day, she has an appointment with Mashes Curran, a very big industrialist. When he meets Mains, he immediately takes a liking to this lovely girl who has a passion f or the betterment of the society, and donates generously. He also asks her about her parents and her family.Once Mains leaves, e starts thinking she will be the perfect wife for his son, Valhalla. He finds out more about Man's and then approaches her parents to Initiate the match, even though his wife Devil opposes the Idea. Valhalla and Man's meet a few times and decide that they Like each other and soon get married. Devil relents and gives her permission as everyone is, for the marriage including Behave. Once married Mains goes to live with Behave and his parents, Mashes and Devoid and Vassal's younger sister, Meta. Their house is very splendid and luxurious and Mains is taken aback by its grandeur.She however has a wonderful relationship with her father in law, Mashes who is a simple, down to earth industrialist and runs his business with honesty and sincerity. Behave works with his father and helps him in running the business. Devoid however, is an extremely status conscious wom an and is always worried about her and her family's zeta. She Is modern in her lifestyle but she is forever pre occupied with the fact, â€Å"eke log Kay exchange? † and this thought rules the choices she makes In life. Valhalla Is a good husband, loving, kind and attentive.He supports Man's when she ants to continue working after marriage, even though Devil Is strongly against the idea. Devoid and Mains are complete opposites and this sometimes causes friction in the house. Devoid is forever trying to control Mains, in terms of what she wears and how she behaves in front of friends and relatives. Devoid, feels that Mains does not know how to live up to the status of the family, as Mains was raised in a middle class family She keeps nitpicking Mains in whatever she does, may it be her choice of clothes or her friendly behavior.She wants Mains to quit her job as she does not eke the fact that, â€Å"Mains sable Jake beak managing hat. † According to her Mains should be a trophy wife and a perfect host to their friends and clients and should be the epitome of style and class. Mashes and Behave try and explain to Devil to go easy on Man's but Devil refuses to listen. She forever Interferes in everything Man's does. Man's Is a smart girl and knows there Is no point fighting and causing bitterness In relationships and handles and approaches these situations In a good natured and tactful manner.Behave is extremely supportive of her and helps her he way she wants by handling Devoid and dealing with her in her own manner. She does this by either being extra nice to her or giving her expensive gifts. This however is not a long term solution and Devoid too, is set in her ways. Mains soon finds out that she is pregnant. She is worried that Devoid will be an extremely interfering grandmother. Will that be the case? Will Mains be able to handle Devoid on a long term basis? If so, how will she do it? Will Behave always support Mains or will he side with his mo ther? Will Mains have a happy married life? Jane eke lye dislike†¦